is something I can show them when they grow up.
I hope I compile more pics of them with similar pose.
Pic 1: Both of them are three years old in these pictures. Both posing with the newly weds :)
(Ken during my cousin Joel and Raquel's wedding and Diday during husband's cousin's wedding)
Pic 2: Chubby cheeks posing by the door
Video 1: Sleepy kids
video taken by Raquel
Like brother, like sister

just deleted a melodramatic post that contains my emotions on how frustrated I am. The post I drafted for more than an
hour reminds me of how big a loser (with capital letter L on the forehead) I
am. When I reread it, I decided it is
not how I wanted to see myself. I have
to love myself, just as how God loves me, so I can fully love others too.
I am trying hard to be optimistic at all times (oh okay, most of the time),
I'll just share some steps that I hope I would make me a better person. I hope I could commit fully to these things. Posting this online might make me more
responsible and accountable, hahaha!
- Let go of the cellphone when I am with the kids.
I was 95% successful on keeping the laptop away when I am
home, keeping the cp away is another hurdle. Read this article:
- Arrive to work on time.
As opposed to going to school on time. My pilosopa nature is going to school on time
(8am), which makes me a chronic latecommer. I absolutely, definitely,
undeniably hate this! I have to throw
away the latecommer Zhella.
- And leave work on time.
From my Facebook Notes:
- Eat less rice for dinner.
Hey, I am taking baby steps. Again, I have the kargador
type of appetite. This is a huge deal for me. Eventually, I can cut it to no
rice, then less/no rice lunch, di ba?!!!
- Jump! Keep moving
Enough said.
- Just write.
And keep this blog alive.
Lessen the hesitations. There are
a lot of wonderful things to write about.
are so far few of the promises I wanted to keep. I really do not know how
committed I am, I am sorry. But I will
try. I will try. I don't want to go through same frustrations again.
Think happy
I always wanted this book, but I never got the guts to buy online.
I haven't seen in local bookstores, so I resolved to downloading a
pdf copy instead. I look forward to finish reading the book.
A confession:
Of all the books and ebooks I have, I only get to finish Twilight series and 50
Shades of Grey trilogy. Other book were half read, or were never opened.

also liked the TED talk of one of the authors, Jason Fried. I totally
agree with him. Most employees don't actually do 100% work at work.
There are a lot of distractions. Watch the entire video, or at
least the first five minutes if you are too busy.
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Taylor Wong Architecture Designer
The Japanese call it Hanakotoba, and King Charles II brought it to Sweden from Persia in the 17th century. Read More
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